Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Tree Hunt

At the beginning of December I told Julie that we were just going to buy a Christmas tree and not go out and cut one down. Little did I know that she would get what she wanted and that was a tree from the forest. Our small group planned a Christmas tree hunt one Saturday. As you can see we have not gotten any snow yet. Usually we have a couple of feet of snow and it is a little hard to find a tree. I get impatient when that happens and I just find the closest tree to what we want and cut it. This year we had a great time with our friends though. I think we drove 10+ miles into an old burn area up to the tree line. There are rules when you cut trees, they have to be at least 300 ft from a river, have another tree within 30 ft from another tree and so on. To tell you the truth, we broke most of the rules. But it was for a good reason. :-) Merry Christmas every one...

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